viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011





/ t / changes to / p / before / m / / b / or / p /

basket maker mixed bag
best man mixed blessing
cat burglar mixed marriage
cigarette paper mixed metaphor
circuit board pocket money
coconut butter post mortem
court martial pot plant
direct method private property
dust bowl put back
fast motion put by
first base right pair
flight plan secret police
foot brake set point
front bench set back
front man set piece
fruit machine sheet metal
Great Britain sit back
harvest moon soft porn
hatchet man split pea
hit man split personality
hot metal street piano
hot money sweet basil
last post sweet pea
Left Bank sweet pepper
light bulb sweet potato
light music test ban
light meter test match
light middleweight test paper
market price that man
midnight blue unit price
mint bush wet blanket
private bill white bag
private member white birch
private patient white meat
private parts white paper
private practice

/ d / changes to / b / before / m / / b / or / p /

bad pain good cook
blood bank good morning
blood bath grand master
blood brother ground plan
blood poisoning head boy
blood pressure hold back
blood pudding lord mayor
broad bean mud bath
card punch mud pie
closed book Old Bailey
command module old boy
command post old man
custard pie old maid
custard powder old moon
dead beat Oxford blue
food poisoning red bag
food processor second mate
gold plate sound barrier
gold medal stand by
gold mine united party
good man word blindness

/ n / changes to / m / before / m / / b / or / p /

action planning iron man
American plan on me
brown paper one pair
brown bear open book
chicken breast open market
Common Market open prison
con man pen pal
cotton belt pin money
cotton picker queen bee
down payment queen mother
fan belt question mark
fan mail roman mile
Foreign minister sun bath
Foreign mission sun blind
garden party tin plate
green belt town planning
green bean venetian blind
hen party virgin birth
human being wine box
in blue wine bar
iron maiden

/ t / changes to / k / before / k / or /g/

cigarette card short cut
credit card smart card
cut glass street credibility
fat girl street cry
first class that cake
flat cap

/ d / changes to / g / before / k / or / g /

bad girl hard cash
bird call hard copy
closed game hard core
cold call hard court
cold cream highland cattle
field glasses red carpet
good cook sand castle
Grand Canyon second class
ground control second coming
ground cover second cousin
had come slide guitar
had gone

/ n / changes to /ŋ/ before / k / or / g /

action group open court
common good roman calendar
common ground roman candle
garden cress roman catholic
golden gate tin can
golden goose tone control
human capital town clerk
in camera town crier
iron curtain

/ s / changes to /ʃ/ before /ʃ/ or / j / followed by a rounded vowel sound

bus shelter nice yacht
dress shop space shuttle
nice shoes

/ z / changes to /ʒ/ before /ʃ/ or / j / followed by a rounded vowel sound

cheese shop where's yours?
rose show
these sheep

/θ/ changes to / s / before / s /

bath salts earth science
bath seat fifth set
birth certificate fourth season
both sexes fourth summer
both sides north-south divide

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